リボルナバイオサイエンス、キッセイ薬品と共同研究契約を締結:Reborna Enters Research Collaboration with Kissei Pharmaceutical



株式会社リボルナバイオサイエンス プレスリリース:2024年09月09日 報道関係者各位

リボルナバイオサイエンス、キッセイ薬品と共同研究契約を締結:Reborna Enters Research Collaboration with Kissei

Pharmaceutical 株式会社






■株式会社リボルナバイオサイエンス 代表取締役:富士晃嗣コメント




、並びに アンメットメディカルニーズが高い領域における製品ポートフォリオの拡充に取り組んでいます。キッセイ薬品工業株式会社の詳細情報は、






をご覧ください。本件に関するお問い合わせは、[email protected] にて承ります。Reborna Biosciences,

Inc. (Headquarters: Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture; Representative Director:

Koji Fuji; hereinafter, “Reborna") and Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

(Headquarters: Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture; Representative Director,

Chairman and CEO: Mutsuo Kanzawa; hereinafter, “Kissei Pharmaceutical") signed a

research collaboration agreement on drug discovery in the field of rare diseases

on September 9, 2024.Under this agreement, Reborna will provide its drug

discovery platform specializing in the drug discovery of RNA-targeting small

molecule drugs and will collaborate the drug discovery research for genetic rare

diseases selected by both companies. Kissei Pharmaceutical will pay Reborna an

upfront fee, research expenses, as well as research, development and sales

milestone payments and royalties based on sales. Kissei will retain the rights

to develop and commercialize worldwide the development candidate compounds

discovered through the research collaboration.Under the agreement, Reborna and

Kissei will combine their research and development capabilities to promote

research and development of drugs for rare genetic diseases.■Comment from Kissei

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Chairman and CEO: Mutsuo KanzawaAs a drug discovery and

research and development company, we are actively engaged in open innovation to

realize innovative small molecule drug discovery. Through this research

collaboration, we aim to accelerate the research and development of original

pharmaceuticals by combining Reborna’s innovative drug discovery platform with

our small molecule drug discovery capabilities, and to create drugs for

intractable rare diseases.■Comment from Reborna Biosciences Inc. Representative

Director: Koji FujiWe are very excited about this research collaboration, which

fully leverages our drug discovery platform and Kissei Pharmaceutical’s robust

research and development capabilities. Through open innovation with Kissei

Pharmaceutical, we will continue to challenge ourselves to acquire

groundbreaking insights and develop original new drugs to address key challenges

in drug discovery research for rare diseases.About Kissei Pharmaceutical Co.,

Ltd.Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a drug discovery and research company

that is committed to providing innovative new medicines to patients around the

world under the management philosophy of “contributing to society through

high-quality pharmaceuticals" and “serving society through our members." We are

working to expand our product portfolio in the fields of urology, nephrology and

dialysis, as well as areas with high unmet medical needs.For more information

about Kissei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., please visit https://www.kissei.co.jp/

https://www.kissei.co.jp/.About Reborna Biosciences, Inc.Reborna is engaged in

drug discovery research for oral drugs that show disease modifying effects

through normalizing RNA function by using small molecule drugs with high

affinity for RNA. By making RNA that governs protein synthesis, the drug

discovery target, we will provide drugs that offer a new approach to diseases

that have proved difficult to treat until now. We will contribute to society by

providing new drugs that enable patients suffering from rare genetic diseases

and their families to feel that they have been reborn.For more information,

please visit http://rebornabiosciences.com


当リリースの詳細について https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000011.000078945.html



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