YouTubeチャンネル登録者数128万人!!世界中に熱狂的なファンを持つジオラマ・レジンアーティスト“Thalasso Hobbyer たらそほびや”初作品集。8月19日発売。

たらそほびや”初作品集。8月19日発売。 東京書籍株式会社は、2024年8月19日に書籍『Thalasso Hobbyer たらそほびや』(Thalasso

Hobbyer たらそほびや/著)を発売いたしました。

* 解説




Thalasso hobbyer (たらそほびや) is a diorama resin artist with a passionate fan base

all over the world.

This is the first collection of his work, full of must-see information for fans,

including his world of work, stories, specific production techniques, tools and

materials, which cannot be found on YouTube or social networking sites.

Bilingual in English and Japanese, it introduces every detail of the fascinating

world of his work. The book is also packed with beautiful photographs, making it

enjoyable even for first-time viewers!

* Thalassophobia(タラソフォビア、海洋恐怖症)とは

Thalassophobia は、海や川、湖などに対する恐怖症を指す言葉。


わたしの名前Thalasso hobbyer は、この“Thalassophobia” に由来しています。

Thalasso はギリシャ語で“海”。Hobbyer という言葉は存在しません。

“趣味”をあらわすhobby という単語をもとに、わたしが作った造語です。





作品の制作風景は、YouTube チャンネル“Thalasso hobbyer たらそほびや”で無料視聴することができます。本書を手に取ってくだ




May 1, 2024

Thalasso hobbyer

* What is Thalassophobia ?

The term “Talassophobia” refers to a phobia of oceans, rivers, and lakes.

The dark, seemingly bottomless ocean. The murky waters of lakes and ponds. Vast

bodies of water. Deep pools where your feet can’t touch the bottom. It is a fear

of such places.

My name, Talasso hobbyer, comes from this “Talassophobia.” Talasso is Greek for

“sea,” while the word hobbyer doesn’t exist. It is a word I coined based on the

word hobby.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who have picked up

this book and have taken an interest in my work.

This book is a compilation of my past works. I call them “dioramas” or “resin

art” for the sake of convenience, but I am still unsure whether they belong in

those categories or not. I feel as if both categories are telling me to go away.

I wish there were a more appropriate name, something like“ resin ornaments.”

You can watch my work in progress for free on my YouTube channel, “Thalasso

hobbyer.” Many of you who have picked up this book may have already watched my

videos. If you haven’t watched them yet, I would be happy if you could take the

time to watch them when you can.

This book is composed of (1) photos of each work, (2) behind-the-scenes stories

and events during their production, and (3) Q&A for each work. The book details

events that I could not introduce in my videos or social network posts, such as

what ideas I had, and what I was thinking when I created these works.

In the Q&A corner, I answer many questions received through social network

channels and Patreon (an artist support platform).

The contents of the Q&A section are also helpful for those who would like to try

their hand at making such“ resin sculptures.” I have also included tips on

working with resin and important things I have learned from my mistakes. I hope

you can take some time to enjoy it.


Talasso hobbyer

May 1, 2024

* 著者情報

Thalasso Hobbyer たらそほびや(タラソホビヤ)

レジンを使ったジオラマ作品で世界的に注目されている日本のジオラマ・レジンアーティスト。 福島県出身。身長178cm、体重69kg、しし座のA型。 制作動画を

YouTube で公開するかたわら、企業からの依頼による ジオラマ制作などにも取り組んでいる。 好きな色は青。好きな言葉は“I won’t let you





『Thalasso Hobbyer たらそほびや』

■Thalasso Hobbyer たらそほびや/著

