

泰彦、以下ヴィー)は、カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校(UCSF:University of California, San

Francisco)のTheodore Zanto博士らの研究成果を活用し、臨床応用を目指す研究開発を開始いたします。応用研究の概要




Theodore Zanto博士についてカリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校准教授、Neuroscape


アトランティック大学で複雑系と脳科学の博士号を取得。fMRI、EEG、非侵襲性脳刺激法 (TMS および

TES)を利用して、注意、知覚、記憶の結節点における神経メカニズムを研究。VIE株式会社についてVIEは、「Live Connected, Feel the


会社名VIE株式会社代表者代表取締役 今村 泰彦所在地神奈川県鎌倉市大町1丁目9番22号会社URL製品URL※開示と免責事項



VIE株式会社またはその製品に対する支持または承認を意味するものと解釈されるものではありません。また、Theodore Zanto博士は


VIE starts applied research utilizing the research findings from UCSFLaunch of

Research and Development for the Clinical Application of “Neuro Music”

VIE starts applied research utilizing the research findings from UCSFVIE, Inc.

(Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, CEO: Yasuhiro Imamura, hereinafter referred

to as VIE) is launching a research and development project aimed at clinical

application leveraging the research findings of Theodore Zanto, PhD and his team

from University of California, San Francisco.Overview of Applied ResearchVIE has

been developing NeuroMusic, a form of music that stimulates EEG/brainwave. Our

research and development focus is on cognitive enhancement and the application

of the technology to various diseases. Dr. Theodore Zanto has been researching

the role of neural synchronization in cognitive control, with a particular

emphasis on its potential use for the elderly. His work also dives into

improving neural synchronization through musical rhythms and non-invasive

rhythmical neural stimulation.By utilizing the program developed by Dr. Zanto

and his team, and integrating it with our research and development efforts, we

aim to create innovative solutions for the treatment of dementia and

neurodevelopmental disorders.About Dr.Theodore ZantoDr. Theodore Zanto is an

Associate Professor of Neurology at University of California, San Francisco and

Director of Neuroscience Division of Neuroscape. He studies the neural

mechanisms at the intersection of attention, perception, and memory utilizing

fMRI, EEG and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (TMS and TES). Dr. Zanto

earned his bachelor’s degrees in psychology and physics from the University of

Wisconsin, Whitewater and obtained his Ph.D in Complex Systems and Brain

Sciences from Florida Atlantic University.About VIE, Inc.VIE is dedicated to the

mission “Live Connected, Feel the Life”. We aim to contribute to overall

well-being and the creation of a rich, diverse society by developing innovative

products that leverage neurotechnology and entertainment. Additionally, we are

committed to advancing future medical ICT and digital therapeutics related to

brain and neural health.Company NameVIE, Inc.CEOYoshihiko ImamuraAddress1-9-22,

Omachi, Kamakura, KanagawaURL

※Disclosure and DisclaimerThe information stated above was prepared by VIE, Inc.

and reflects solely the opinion of VIE, Inc.. Nothing in this statement shall be

construed to imply any support or endorsement of VIE, Inc., or any of its

products, by the Regents of the University of California, its officers, agents

and employees.Theodore Zanto, PhD will not receive compensation from VIE, Inc.

For any further inquiries, please contact the following email address.

E-mail:[email protected] 当リリースの詳細について


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